Thursday, January 17, 2008

Applications from Sunday's Message...

What can we do now if we are serious about making God the one who guides our life and is the one we find true life in. Here are some ideas:

Scripture for Reflection:

1. John 1, 3, 4, 14-17
2. Matthew 22, 28
3. Genesis 1, 2, 3, 12, 15
4. Deuteronomy 6, 30
5. Psalm 1, 27, 63, 42, 145,
6. Jeremiah 2, 29
7. Isaiah 6, 9, 11, 40, 53, 55, 61
8. Romans 1, 3, 5, 8, 12
9. Acts 1-2, 3, 4
10. 1 Corinthians 1-2, 12-15
11. 2 Corinthians 1, 2, 4, 5
12. Ephesians 1-2
13. Colossians 1-3
14. Philippians 1-2
15. Hebrews 4, 11, 12
16. 1 Peter 1-3

These are some of the most important scriptures to reflect on and see what it says about God and what he desires in us and his world? Of course there are many more we could wrestle with. I am not giving you verse numbers to see if you can find the "meaty" verses, the ones that make you fall to your knees.

Here are some other applications:

1. Pray and read the Bible as a family.
2. Serve another family with your own family. Offer to bring them dinner, baby sit their kids so they can go on a date, shovel their snow, rent them a movie, be creative!!!
3. Fast from TV and have a game night, or a read instead night. TV makes your brain mush:) Or, simply have some good old fashion conversation.
4. Tell someone about Jesus.
5. Invite a person into your home for dinner.
6. Fast from eating out and use the money to bless someone under resourced, or adopt a kid at Compassion International.
8. Throw a party for your coworkers, just to celebrate being alive...
9. Invite a neighbor over for coffee.
10. Fast from food for a meal or two. Use that time to spend with God reading the Bible and prayer.
11. Tell your family that you love them, just because...
12. Send an email or letter to someone who needs to be encouraged.
13. Pray with a random person in a hospital.
14. Visit someone in jail for the purpose of helping them feel loved and not alone.

I know you can all come up with a million more ways to pursue God this year. I hope we all begin to grow in the commitment and dedication to our God, as we saw with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


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